We are restarting the Microsolidarity newsletter. Welcome!
The energy for this came from the Microsolidarity Network Retreat in Malaga last week. Still basking in the warmth of our connection, we were asking the question, “How do we keep the sense of community going?”
Think of this newsletter as a written mini-retreat, sharing how we are creating a sense of belonging in our communities, workplaces, neighbourhoods and friend groups.
And as with all things microsolidarity, it is created by you.
Microsolidarity Network Retreat
We had 20 people come together for a fantastic 4-day gathering in the south of Spain. The main objective was to enrol more volunteers to find their place and take ownership of the network. If you want to learn how we designed the retreat to meet this objective, check out the debrief from the hosting team (or here in audio)
We also have quite a crop of insightful reflections to share with you:
👉 Jonas’s reflection on the retreat asks “What do hermit crabs teach us about decentralising citizenship?”;
👉 Sara’s blog Mushrooming Together: A myco-solidarity lens on the 2024 Microsolidarity Gathering reflects on facilitating the energies of the group superorganism;
👉 Abi writes what she has understood better about Microsolidarity from the Winter 2024 Gathering and particularly the concept of building at the speed of trust;
👉 In a personal essay, Marin Petrov talks about his experiences in microsolidarity retreats over the years and how that has shapes his own sense of meaning;
👉 Jocelyn recorded an interview with Sarah Pelham about stepping into more leadership and hosting in the Network and how she’s taking her experiences from the Winter Gathering forward in her Berlin community.
👉 Jocelyn and Nicki distilled their practical learnings from facilitating a 6-week Microsolidarity Project in Berlin during one of retreat’s sessions - Julia recorded it and transcribed it into a text.
👉 The most attended session during the retreat by Abhayraj Naik titled ‘Spiritual Ecology - What is it? And Does it matter to me? Here is a synopsis if you want to know more.

Microsolidarity connection call
In the next Microsolidarity network call on March 7 we will take some time to dream into what we want to make happen with the European Summer Camp. Come along to share ideas and wishes and if you’re interested in taking a role, time to step forward!
We will also hold a Mastermind Session together with Mirjam Rahedy. If you are interested in joining, take a moment and think about something you would like to bring to the session. This could be anything you feel stuck with in your life right now or something you would love to get some input on. It’ll take place in Vibecafe!
18:30-20:00 CET, 7 March
To join the call, become a Microsolidarity Network Member by contributing a minimum of €3/month via our Open Collective.
Members will receive a link to the call via email and on a Google Calendar event invitation.
Intermediate Programme Starting on March 19
After hosting the last online Microsolidarity Practice Program the hosting crew (Jocelyn, Jonas, Sara and Gui) had a sense that there is something more that they could do in terms of an offering to practice Microsolidarity. They kept hearing things like "This feels really nice, but how do I start practicing?" or "How do I apply this in my own context?"
In response to this call we've created an "Intermediate" Practice Program that is focused on crewing, facilitation and leadership skills. It's designed to give you some really practical tools to practice with and help you bring them in to your life with a crew or team.
The format is the same as for the first practice program, so 4 sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays, one group in the European morning, one in the European evening. We start March 19th! We would love to see anyone who participated in the first practice program, the Berlin Microsolidarity Project, or an in person gathering there! You can check out details and register here.
If you have any questions, send an email to microsolidarity@gmail.com
Make it Rain Coaching Program starting April 2
Starting on April 2, experienced coaches Jocelyn Ames and Jonas Gröner are offering an 8-week group coaching and peer support program for community cultivators who want to invite a greater sense of purpose and for changemakers who want to create more belonging in their work. You'll get support around the challenges that are most pressing in a group setting, 1:1 and from your peers. Together we'll explore your vision and how to move past your familiar stopping points in aligning your actions with it.
Learn more here.
Microsolidarity became an exhibition, an event series and an art book
Two years ago, Emily Smith and Jocelyn Ames answered the call from Berlin-based designer and curator Anja Lutz, who had the desire to open up her exhibition space to a more communal practice. The year-long experiment began in March of 2023 and the resulting publication/exhibition gathers 60+ “RECIPES” that illustrate many different methods of connecting – offering practical social tools, humorous prompts, gentle reminders, alternative structures of communication, and scrumptious meals.
The RECIPES FOR CONNECTING project, initiated by the A—Z COLLECTIVE will be closing on February 24th, 2024 at 6pm in Berlin, Torstrasse 93. All are invited!

This is an invitation to get involved
The next issue of microsolidarity newsletter will be out next month, around March 20.
We want to feature your own podcasts / writing / video connected to your communities and/or microsolidarity practices as well as upcoming events and announcements.
Please get in touch with Julia Karmo with any ideas - I am wearing the newsletter editor crab shell 🦀 Julia.karmo@gmail.com